A Breathtaking Fantasy
Author: Joyce Hemsley
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Analysis for Poem

In the poem "A Breathtaking Fantasy" by Joyce Hemsley is about her planning a trip to the sea in August, but the trip is a mediphor for their love and how it's a breathtaking fantasy when they are together. In the first five line she is planning the event or time. In lines six threw ten Joyce points out what they will be doing such as lines six and seven "Over the fields we will ramble picking fruit from God's Bramble". In the third  paragraph it says what they will get out of the event or time. In line fourteen Joyce says "giving us strength and vitality" meaning their love together is powerful and energizing when one is with the other. Lastly lines sixteen threw twenty is summing up her planning for the breathtaking trip. In line eighteen Joyce clarifies the love between them, "down lover's lane so beguiling,"The rhyme scheme of this poem is A B A B B C C D D D B B B A B B. This poem also uses alliteration. For example, in line three Sun is Shining